Saturday, October 16, 2010

Look up the odd time. You'll see me.

One of my Facebook friends, who is also a writer, in the last six weeks lost his mother to illness and his girlfriend to a breakup, the two events happening within days of each other, posted a status that professes that he "is (still) writing out grief....."

I don't know him that well but a rather interesting and (somewhat) innocent flirtatious encounter we had four years ago [he made me blush. That's hard to do] garnered a Facebook friendship and I've followed him along ever since.

One of his friends wrote in return: That road is long. I'm only a little ahead of you on it. Look up the odd time; you'll see me.

Brilliant. So brilliant in fact, no one has dared tarnish it by commenting after. 

I understand his pain. I've been there. I've been on that road and I'm still on it although the good days FAR out weigh the bad -- this year. The (still) implies that this grief is grating on him I suppose. I understand that too.

Anyway, I promised a while back that I hoped to not turn into the Alanis Morrisette of blogging so I will stop here and simply say, Thanks to my Friends who've spent a lot of time listening. You know who you are.

And if you are on that road somewhere behind me. Just look up ahead. You're catching up.


  1. And if you look to the side, I am always there beside you. Just take my hand.

  2. Damn Christine you had to make me teary right before my race didn't you...
    I love you to. And Ditto.

  3. Thank you for this post. Some days you're ahead and some you're behind.

  4. Its true Jen, Its true. It waxes and wains.


Please, read, enjoy, and if you're tempted to comment say what you like and I'll probably enjoy it. You might even make my day. I have a good sense of humour and I take everything for what it's worth. I'll probably even write back. I like to have the last word. But take ownership of your words and sign your name. Please and Thank-you, Amen.