Saturday, October 16, 2010

Look up the odd time. You'll see me.

One of my Facebook friends, who is also a writer, in the last six weeks lost his mother to illness and his girlfriend to a breakup, the two events happening within days of each other, posted a status that professes that he "is (still) writing out grief....."

I don't know him that well but a rather interesting and (somewhat) innocent flirtatious encounter we had four years ago [he made me blush. That's hard to do] garnered a Facebook friendship and I've followed him along ever since.

One of his friends wrote in return: That road is long. I'm only a little ahead of you on it. Look up the odd time; you'll see me.

Brilliant. So brilliant in fact, no one has dared tarnish it by commenting after. 

I understand his pain. I've been there. I've been on that road and I'm still on it although the good days FAR out weigh the bad -- this year. The (still) implies that this grief is grating on him I suppose. I understand that too.

Anyway, I promised a while back that I hoped to not turn into the Alanis Morrisette of blogging so I will stop here and simply say, Thanks to my Friends who've spent a lot of time listening. You know who you are.

And if you are on that road somewhere behind me. Just look up ahead. You're catching up.


~ tavia marie ~ said...

Excellently said.

christine said...

And if you look to the side, I am always there beside you. Just take my hand.

Kim said...

Damn Christine you had to make me teary right before my race didn't you...
I love you to. And Ditto.

Jennifer P said...

Thank you for this post. Some days you're ahead and some you're behind.

Kim said...

Its true Jen, Its true. It waxes and wains.